AXCL Wellness


Changing Lives and Challenging the Status Quo

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We believe in the constant and never-ending pursuit of betterment, which is why we created our AXCL Wellness program. AXCL Wellness is all the things you want for self-care, athletic recovery, injury prevention, and optimum performance without the hassles of traditional insurance based physical therapy. We want to empower our community to be proactive and look after their own health and wellness efficiently and conveniently.
  1. Recover better from training or sports
  2. Fix tweaks or tightness before it takes you out of the game
  3. Prevent pain or injury
  4. Correct muscular imbalances

You don’t have to be in pain or injured.
You just have to be driven to AXCL!

We offer easy, online booking of sessions to fit your schedule. AXCL sessions are typically 30 minutes and involve the same elite services, curated by you and guided by our experts. AXCL ala carte menu includes:
  • Dry needling
  • Cryotherapy
  • Neufit
  • Cupping
  • Astym
  • Athletic performance
  • Strength and conditioning sessions

Apex: Your Partner in Health and Wellness.

Our expert team and exclusive services will help you reach your peak wellness.

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