

Changing Lives and Challenging the Status Quo

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Food is Fuel. We believe that fueling your body with quality nutrition is a vital component to healing from pain or injury, optimizing performance, and building a resilient lifestyle.

Our program is led by a team of Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioners (NTPs) and offers personalized nutrition plans.

We provide a bio-individual approach, thoroughly evaluating and consulting based on the six foundations of nutrition: Nutrient Dense Diet, Blood Sugar Regulation, Digestion, Fatty Acids, Mineral Balance, and Hydration.

Nutrition That's Centered on You.

We believe there is no one-size-fits-all diet. We honor each individual’s body as unique to understand what food and nutrients best support the restoration of balance, enhancement of healing, and building of resilient health. We look beyond food choices to assess barriers, influences, and environmental factors; we truly understand the importance of sleep and movement, as well as stress and its effects on the body.

What to Expect

Our Nutrition Program begins with a thorough online Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire and a personalized Food and Mood Journal. Upon completion, our NTPs take a deep-dive into your data to formulate preliminary suggestions. Next, we schedule our first one-on-one consultation, where we discuss the findings of your questionnaire and journal as well as our assessment. Together, we formulate a bio-individual plan and develop workable strategies to fit your goals. Follow-up sessions are scheduled based on a frequency that supports your individual progress and goals. This may be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

Apex: Your Partner in Health and Wellness.

Our expert team and exclusive services will help you reach your peak wellness.

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